Regarding Tips and Tricks on the GRE Quant (Math) Section

“Tips” and “Tricks” is a buzz-phrase for almost any exam. Mainly because it implies using some kind of shortcut to get a correct answer while avoiding having to understand and apply concepts.

When it comes to the GRE, I have plenty of tips and suggestions for you, but sadly, no tricks.

The GRE is a tightly engineered exam, so much so that it seems to own the “trick” department. It begs the question: how and why does it seem to the exam taker that “they” are trying to trick you?

After years helping students prepare for the GRE, I think that ….. often when we feel that they are trying to “trick us—that is the real test. I have expressed many times the idea that the GRE Quant section tests a variety of skills. (Really, I don’t see how they would care if you know how to solve a specific Algebra 2 problem—the Subject tests are available if needed.) So, we need to take a look at the various types of skills needed to achieve a good score, and assume that is what they are testing for. And we use our prep time to develop those skills.